The studio is expanding and changing our retail area to include, and focus, on metaphysical products. We are adding a line of items that will include altar items, tarot cards, inspiration cards, oracle cards, spell jars, smudging supplies, witch bells, wands, walking staffs, smudge fans, blank journals / book of shadows, besoms, mini cauldrons, pendulums and pendulum mats, crystals and stones, scrying mirrors, incense, and of course, herbs and essential oils. We will continue to add products as we move forward and you let us know what you would like to see in the shop. We will be calling this area "Simply Enchanting" and the products we make and sell will fall under this name.
The studio is expanding and changing our retail area to include, and focus, on metaphysical products. We are adding a line of items that will include altar items, tarot cards, inspiration cards, oracle cards, spell jars, smudging supplies, witch bells, wands, walking staffs, smudge fans, blank journals / book of shadows, besoms, mini cauldrons, pendulums and pendulum mats, crystals and stones, scrying mirrors, incense, and of course, herbs and essential oils. We will continue to add products as we move forward and you let us know what you would like to see in the shop. We will be calling this area "Simply Enchanting" and the products we make and sell will fall under this name.
Products will be arriving over the next couple of weeks, so stay posted to see when we are getting them ready for sale. The goal is to be ready by mid to late April. We will also have our products on our website available for sale and shipping.
Once a month a crafting class will be offered. April's class is Basket weaving, which will take place on April 30th, pre-registration is required, the cost is $75. More information available at the studio, on the website, and Facebook.